If you are unsure of which kitten you want, you can schedule a time to come over and have an indoor (sit down) meeting with your favorite kitten(s). That way, you can see which one you like the best. These meetings will be held inside of my little kitten cabin/store, (which is on the other side of my driveway). You must request these meetings ahead of time so I can open it up, get the temperature adjusted, move the kittens that you wish to view, out there, etc..
This option is only available for the kittens who are READY TO LEAVE. If you do not specify that you want to have a sit down meeting with kittens, then I will probably just show you the kittens on my front porch. I only open up this store by request, or sometimes on Saturdays when I know I have a lot of customers coming over. This is not where I wanted my store to be placed, but "nobody" (men) never listens to me. Therefore, I rarely even use it. I had originally wanted it tucked in the trees on the other side of my house, where I would have easy access to it for every single customer. It would have been only steps away from my front porch. If I had known I was going to have to put my cabin on the street, I would have never even bought the stupid thing. Nevertheless, there it sits. So... for now I just use it whenever a customer requests it. (sigh) The struggle is real...
Today I added a few Ragdoll kittens to my website.
Within minutes I get a hate mail from someone using my contact form. She says ..."Hey quit using animals for income". So I'm like am I supposed to do ALL this for free, because my vet bill alone is killing me. My body is disentegrating from hard nasty work taking care of the grossest things imaginable in this line of work. My eyes have seen some very animalistic things that would make you vomit and faint. You have no idea what it's liekt o spend your entire life being a cat slave, and then you smell like litter box dust from working all day so you can't go anywhere, and you get very lonely. I'm sorry I am so mad that I can't even type properly. Anyways, something about Ragdoll customers, that bring out these karen devil women. Things will be going so smooth, then when it's Ragdoll time, oh boy, here we go. They think I am sitting around in a field of flowers with kittens and a telephone in my lap. I don't want to do business with them. I get flashbacks of getting detention hall in high school. Symptoms of Cat Karens = facebook addicts, husbands let them be the boss of the relationship, (think Hyacinth and Richard) , grey /blond mix hair not past the shoulders as not to look like a witch, asks to see parents. God I hate that. It's like you are asking me to run a mile on the treadmill. I'm like... sigh, hold my topo chico, Lord they are so mean, i dont want to deal with them, please God? Send them somewhere's else. Anyways, I tried to email the hatemailer back, and the coward left me a fake email. I was ready to debate. I was ready to look her up on google... Andrea Henderson? An apartment in Austin Texas? Hmm, that's about right. You paying rent in Austin? That means you are broke and mad. Unless she used a fake name> IDK, but I haven't got hate mail in like 7 years. The last Karen I got was that one lady , who went on Facebook and had all her friends write bad things about me. Since I'm not on Facebook, she screenshots it and sends it to me. Thats lady was evil. She probably petting her kitten she got from me right now, who is probably 1 or 2 years old now, and she's thinking dang, I got a good deal. I'm barely holding myself up, but Im staying strong, and the devil sends this hater to email me HATE today to try and hurt me or break my spirit. All because she is broke and mad. Otherwise why is she stalking my website? Crazy lady. Oh yeaha and everytime I answer my phone, I say HELLO. Then there is silence, and they are like ... I think I have the wrong number. I'm looking for Kittenberry Castle? Why? Am I supposed to say Welcome to Good Burger type greeting? One time this lady said, "Can I speak to your mom?" Lol. Anyways, I got to go. bye. |
AmyMy name is Amy and I raise kittens. Archives
October 2024
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