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- Elvis
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Elvis is a solid black male Persian. He was born on June 18, 2020. His mother is Snow. Blueberry is his father. Elvis will have a doll face. If you like him and want to reserve him, He may be picked up after Aug 13, 2020
He is solid black, I just noticed he may have a hint of a bluish-swirl going on, which he inherits from his father. Also beginning to notice that Elvis may be an Exotic Shorthair like his dad. Still watching him though. He def has a different texture of fur from the others.
Elvis is ready to go. He is playful, spunky, smart and loving. He is a shorthair like his dad. He seems to have an old soul, and seems very wise, indeed. He is a very good boy, never fusses or complains during bath time. He loves to play with a feather wand, and interactive toys. He knows his name already, so funny. He is a character.