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- Kinji
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Kinji is a silver tabby Persian kitten, (male). He was born to Snow and Tokyo on November 11, 2023. He is ready to leave.
He is playful and happy. He loves to explore, and wrestle with his brothers. He is a funny character, always hopping around & doing tricks. Kinji chirps like a bird. He is very chatty with his bird sounds. He will talk to you, in his own way, to let you know what he wants. He winks his eyes at you, too.
Kinji on 1/11/24 at 5pm. His brother just left for his new home, and now Kinji is looking for a home, too.
I love him.
Kinji communicates very well. He has learned that if he meows, then he gets what he wants. Which usually means... pick me up, or feed me.
Kinji has been spoiled his whole life. This is when he was a little baby.