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- Green Pea
Green Pea
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Green Pea is a tiny male Ragdoll kitten.
DOB: August 27, 2023
Parents: Samantha and Pancake
Color: Bicolor. He has many noticeable freckles on his nose which means he has a lowered price. Also he is one of the 2 runts of the litter. He is polydactyl.
Collar: He wears the Mint Green collar
Ready to leave now.
Green pea is the runt of the litter. He has freckles on his nose. He is also polydactyl. He loves to have a buddy. He doesn't like to be the only cat. He first clinged to Salami's side, until Salami got sold. Now he clings to Root Beer's side. He is very codependent on his brother(s).