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Hello. My name is Lucas and I am a smallpolydactyl Ragdoll boy. My mother is Regina George and my father is Hemingway. I was born on Jan 5 2020. You can take me home after Feb 23.
Little Lucas is the sweetest kitten who always comes to see me. He is smaller than his brothers, but such a sweetie pie. He brightens my day each morning and he just has sooo much love to give. It's incredible.
Lucas is catching up in size to the rest of the kittens. I think Lucas will have a mask which makes me feel jealous cause masks are cool.
Google "Ragdoll cats with masks" to see what I mean.
Google "Ragdoll cats with masks" to see what I mean.
Lucas is very small, but quick and fast. He runs around the room more than any other kitten, and I have to tell him no because he just wants to follow me out the door. He's like a funny little puppy dog. I am perplexed by his small stature. I have seen this situation before in a dwarf sized ESH Persian kitten we had here once named Kiki. Kiki just stayed small as his siblings continued to grow and grow. So I am watching Lucas to see if he will ALSO be a perma kitten, as Kiki was. He is very active and it is so entertaining to watch because he is super tiny. So cute!
Lucas is polydactyl like his dad. He appears as if he is going to have a mask over both eyes, which I am very excited about.