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- Yoshi
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Yoshi is a cream-point Ragdoll male kitten. He was born on June 12, 2023 to Maggie and Pancake. Yoshi will lay his head on your shoulder like a baby, while you pat his little back. He takes a bath and never flinches one bit. He plays with every kitten. He is so gentle. He never makes a peep, never complains about anything. He is just the sweetest little angel. Very floppy Ragdoll. He is reduced only because he is getting older, and nobody ever adopted him when he was a baby. That only means he has gotten extra training and extra social skills, so he is going to be a breeze when you take him home. He loves to be held and kissed on the cheek. He purrs instantly. Yoshi is 10 weeks old as I am typing this on.. 8/31/23. He is ready to leave.