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- Jiggly Puff
Jiggly Puff
Jiggly Puff is a tabby and white Exotic Shorthair Persian boy.
Mother is Hyacinth and father is Heathcliff. DOB is 9/5/22
HeĀ is ready to leave. He purrs, he cuddles, he is litter box trained perfectly. He's cute. He's quiet. He's kind to others. He is not shy. He likes toys. He loves food. He is a perfect kitten.
He hates holding still for the camera and so it is so hard for me to get a good picture of him. This baby is already 12 weeks old and therefore has had both rounds of kitten shots, and so he's set.
He has had lots and lots of interest but in the end, he usually gets stood up or the person just wants to reserve him for way later. Since Jiggly is so much older than the other kittens, (by about a month), I'm reluctant to take reservations for him. He really needs to leave now, as in... today. I want him to have a home for Christmas. He is perfectly healthy and just such a good good boy. Please don't hesitate. Adopt him today!