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- Sandy
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Sandy is a Munchkin kitten with folded down ears. She has the short munchkin legs. She is brown and black tabby.
Her parents are Buttons and Billy Scooter. (Buttons, her mom, is a Scottish Fold, and Billy Scooter, her dad, is a Munchkin.)
Sandy was born on July 21, 2022. She is ready to leave now. Come and meet her in person. If you like her, you can buy her and take her home.
Ask me for updated pic, showing her folded ears.
Her parents are Buttons and Billy Scooter. (Buttons, her mom, is a Scottish Fold, and Billy Scooter, her dad, is a Munchkin.)
Sandy was born on July 21, 2022. She is ready to leave now. Come and meet her in person. If you like her, you can buy her and take her home.
Ask me for updated pic, showing her folded ears.