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- Noel
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Hi. My name is Noel. I was born on Nov 3, 2019. I am a long hair - black and white tuxedo style Persian kitten -and-I am a little girl. My mommy's name is Snow, and my daddy's name is Blueberry.
I am VERY smart.
Noel may be staying here with me if she does not sell at this price. She holds a special place in my heart because of her old soul. She is very smart to only be a kitten and her eyes are very deep and wise. When she looks at you, she studies you like.. what are you going to do with me? Her expressions, her mannerisms, are very humanistic. She likes to play, and will follow you around. She has a sassy attitude. She enjoys playing with other kittens. Her mustache is the cutest thing ever.
12-27-19 photos of Noel
12-20-19 Photos taken of Noel Today.
12-19-19 Noel turned 6.5 weeks old and her long whiskers lend an idea as to how long her fur will be. She has non matting fur that is easily manageable (silky not cottony) like her mother's coat. Think bunny v/s lamb, she has more of the bunny-like fur. Silky not cottony. Noel likes shoes. She is a girly girl and is obsessed with shoes.
Interesting fact about Noel. This does not come across in pictures, but she has the prettiest eyes. They remind me of Jennifer Aniston or somebody, lol. Her eyes are so pretty the way they are set in her head. She is very humanistic, not sure if that's the right term, but she seems to have an old soul. There's just something about her, as if she is very wise. You would have to meet her to see what I mean. If you can, Please come meet her in person. I can't capture her essence in a photograph.
My collection of Noel's pictures:
Noel is always the first kitten to walk up to me and greet me whenever I enter her room.
Noel is the smartest kitten out of all 3 litters.
Noel ate solid food for the first time on 12-7-19.
12-16-19 Noel is litter box trained.
Noel is always the first kitten to walk up to me and greet me whenever I enter her room.
Noel is the smartest kitten out of all 3 litters.
Noel ate solid food for the first time on 12-7-19.
12-16-19 Noel is litter box trained.