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- Francie
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Francie is a blue point Exotic Shorthair Persian kitten. She is the daughter of Mocha and Heathcliff. She was born on June 29, 2022. She will be able to leave anytime after August 19th. She will have permanent blue eyes.
Francie is ready to leave. No need to reserve. Just come and visit her. If you like her, you can take her home.
Video and text from 8/18/22:
I was checking with Francie's mom just now to see if she wants to pick up Francie on Sunday. She replied back that she would like to cancel on Francie. Wow, this is the second time this person has cancelled on one of my kittens within the past year. So here we are again... last minute... when Francie is ready to leave, and she decides to cancel. Just like last October when she cancelled on Karloff at the last minute. So anyways that's that.
Meanwhile, that means that Francie is back up for sale, if anyone is interested in her, she is ready to leave. You can come and see her in person before buying. She is very playful and fun. She has permanent pretty blue eyes.
I was checking with Francie's mom just now to see if she wants to pick up Francie on Sunday. She replied back that she would like to cancel on Francie. Wow, this is the second time this person has cancelled on one of my kittens within the past year. So here we are again... last minute... when Francie is ready to leave, and she decides to cancel. Just like last October when she cancelled on Karloff at the last minute. So anyways that's that.
Meanwhile, that means that Francie is back up for sale, if anyone is interested in her, she is ready to leave. You can come and see her in person before buying. She is very playful and fun. She has permanent pretty blue eyes.