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- Kiki
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Kiki is ready to go.
He is an Exotic Shorthair Persian kitten, son of Chloe and Blueberry.
His date of birth is 9-3-19. He has already been vaccinated and dewormed. He is litter box trained and he eats Royal Canin Babycat and Fancy Feast chicken for kittens.
Kiki is the last of his litter. He is lonely and needs to be adopted by a new family.
He loves to be held and snuggles up to you. He purrs and purrs with any attention he gets.
Kiki loves to run and play. His legs are so fast to be so short. He is funny to watch.
Here is Kiki's story:
Kiki was born a twin, attached to the same placenta as his sister Lala. Kiki was very special and won pick of his litter. He was reserved right away by a lady from Oklahoma. He was only an infant at the time. When the time finally came for Kiki to be picked up by his new owner, I expressed to her that Kiki is small for his age. Only weighing 8 to 10 ounces, when his litter mates were over 1 lb. The lady said she did not want Kiki unless I lowered his price for being small. So I refused to lower his price, and Kiki was placed back up for sale, again. He is worth more than $1000, actually, because he is considered a teacup Persian. He will be small his whole life. It's like having a kitten forever. Grumpy Cat and Lil Bub are both considered Perma Kittens. So it is actually a highly desirable thing in some cases. Kiki is a mini or miniature Persian. He is not a munchkin, (with only short legs), but he does have a form of dwarfism. That does not stop him from enjoying life. He plays hard and he loves hard.So anyways, the story goes on...Kiki was then reserved a second time. This time the lady was from San Antonio. She was to come pick him up last Thursday after 8 am, but never showed. After texting her all morning, she finally replied back and said that she had a cold and overslept. She said she would come to get him on Saturday instead. Well, whatta ya know, Saturday rolled around and same thing... I texted her all morning long, with no reply. I even said Please let me know something because I would like to make plans for today too. STILL no reply. So here we are. Poor Kiki has sat on this website marked reserved all this time. He's lonely. He's ready. He deserves a family, too, and no more spirit of rejection. He looks every bit as cute as his pictures express, plus his personality is absolutely fantastic. He can communicate with you and shake his head yes when you baby talk to him. He is so dreamy. Come by and see him for yourself. Take him home today if you like him. He is such a sweet baby boy. As of Nov 9, 2019 he is 9 weeks old.
He is an Exotic Shorthair Persian kitten, son of Chloe and Blueberry.
His date of birth is 9-3-19. He has already been vaccinated and dewormed. He is litter box trained and he eats Royal Canin Babycat and Fancy Feast chicken for kittens.
Kiki is the last of his litter. He is lonely and needs to be adopted by a new family.
He loves to be held and snuggles up to you. He purrs and purrs with any attention he gets.
Kiki loves to run and play. His legs are so fast to be so short. He is funny to watch.
Here is Kiki's story:
Kiki was born a twin, attached to the same placenta as his sister Lala. Kiki was very special and won pick of his litter. He was reserved right away by a lady from Oklahoma. He was only an infant at the time. When the time finally came for Kiki to be picked up by his new owner, I expressed to her that Kiki is small for his age. Only weighing 8 to 10 ounces, when his litter mates were over 1 lb. The lady said she did not want Kiki unless I lowered his price for being small. So I refused to lower his price, and Kiki was placed back up for sale, again. He is worth more than $1000, actually, because he is considered a teacup Persian. He will be small his whole life. It's like having a kitten forever. Grumpy Cat and Lil Bub are both considered Perma Kittens. So it is actually a highly desirable thing in some cases. Kiki is a mini or miniature Persian. He is not a munchkin, (with only short legs), but he does have a form of dwarfism. That does not stop him from enjoying life. He plays hard and he loves hard.So anyways, the story goes on...Kiki was then reserved a second time. This time the lady was from San Antonio. She was to come pick him up last Thursday after 8 am, but never showed. After texting her all morning, she finally replied back and said that she had a cold and overslept. She said she would come to get him on Saturday instead. Well, whatta ya know, Saturday rolled around and same thing... I texted her all morning long, with no reply. I even said Please let me know something because I would like to make plans for today too. STILL no reply. So here we are. Poor Kiki has sat on this website marked reserved all this time. He's lonely. He's ready. He deserves a family, too, and no more spirit of rejection. He looks every bit as cute as his pictures express, plus his personality is absolutely fantastic. He can communicate with you and shake his head yes when you baby talk to him. He is so dreamy. Come by and see him for yourself. Take him home today if you like him. He is such a sweet baby boy. As of Nov 9, 2019 he is 9 weeks old.
Here is my collection of Kiki's sweet little pictures:
Here are several videos of Kiki.
Scroll all the way to the bottom and work your way up, if you would like to watch them in order and see him growing up.
Scroll all the way to the bottom and work your way up, if you would like to watch them in order and see him growing up.
Here is a video of Kiki's father, Blueberry.
He is a Blue and white Exotic Shorthair Persian.
(That is not the mom in the video, but my Chinchilla Persian, Kaylee, with a bad haircut, lol.)
He is a Blue and white Exotic Shorthair Persian.
(That is not the mom in the video, but my Chinchilla Persian, Kaylee, with a bad haircut, lol.)