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- Kewpie
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Sweetest kitten in Texas!! If you are looking for a lap cat or a baby to rock to sleep, then this is your kitten. Kewpie is a Persian boy. His parents are Smurfette and Tuggy. He was born on July 3, 2021, and he is ready to leave. He will have permanent blue eyes like his dad. He has a blue point Himalayan fluffy coat.
Pick of the litter. HE GIVES KISSES!!! He wants humans, when the other kittens want to play with other kittens, he wants you. He will climb up a chair just to get in your lap and lay down.
Extra sweet. Loves to be held. Loves to walk up to you, and follow you. Gorgeous in person. So proud of him, and would love to show him off if you want to meet him.