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- Clawdius
Clawdius was reserved by deposit. I just discovered over the weekend that he has a deformity on his front leg. He doesn't seem to notice it and runs and plays just like all the other kittens. His front leg has an instep. Now looking back at a ll of his baby pictures, I can see the bent front arm. But like I said he was born this way and doesnt know anything different, so it does not bother him or affect his abilities. Clawdiusis a bicolor male Ragdoll with mitten hands. (That means he is not polydactyl but his hands are shaped like mittens on his two front paws). He has dark ears and more shading on his back than the other kittens. If you look real close, you can see that he is developing a darker nose.
Clawdius is the leader of his litter. He gets the badge of courage for 2019. Congratulations Clawdius. (applause applause)
He was born on July 14 to Camilla and Hemingway. He will have permanent blue eyes and rabbit soft fur.
I put a blue collar on Clawdius, so you can tell which one he is in the videos.
Take home date is Sep 8.