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- Gabriel
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Gabriel is a male Ragdoll kitten, born on Nov 17. He is the son of Camilla and Hemingway. Gabriel has an all white body, with a faintly cream colored ears and tail. He has a big round head and will grow to be a huge gorgeous adult cat. He has pretty blue eyes. He will be able to leave after Jan 5, if not sooner. ALREADY ADOPTED, SORRY.
This video of Gabriel was taken on the morning of Thursday, 12/17/20. I actually think he will be ready by Christmas Eve if you really really need him as a gift. Otherwise, he can hang out here until Jan 5. He is already eating and just look how big he is already! Wow. He has an awesome personality.
Gabriel is always so alert and interested in the world around him. When the other kittens are sleeping, he is standing guard. I think his name suits him.